City Tree Maintenance Requests

Grapple Truck for tree services and landscaping

Colorado Springs City Tree Maintenance

Our city’s trees not only beautify our neighborhoods but also contribute to a healthier environment. However, they require proper care and maintenance to thrive and ensure the safety of our community. This public service announcement outlines how you can help ensure the well-being of public trees and provides guidance on what to do in various tree-related situations.

**Public Safety First:**

If you encounter a tree compromised or in contact with power lines, your safety is paramount. Please stay away from such trees and keep your pets and children at a distance. Immediately report these situations to Colorado Springs Utilities at 448-4800.

Trees on power lines
If a tree is compromised or touching a power line, STAY AWAY from it and keep pets/children away. Report immediately to Colorado Springs Utilities at 448-4800.

**Reporting City Tree Issues:**

For trees in public spaces like parks, medians, trails, sidewalks, and streets, please report the following issues:

– Damaged, declining, or dead trees due to drought, insects, or disease

– Overgrown branches obstructing visibility for traffic or school signs

– Broken or downed limbs from extreme weather conditions

– Branches interfering with private property (driveways, roofs, fences, vehicles)

– Low-hanging branches over streets or sidewalks

– Structural issues such as significant trunk damage, cracks, or leaning

**Fast and Convenient Reporting:**

For an Emergency call 911. To report tree issues to the City of Colorado  use the online reporting system at: City of Colorado Springs Government Call the Colorado Springs Utilities at 719-488-4800 or 800-838-5434.

**Determining Tree Ownership:**

Understanding whether a tree is on your property or in the city’s right of way is crucial. Here are some definitions to assist you:

Street Tree:  A tree located within the public right of way.

Right of Way (R.O.W): The city-owned area designated for streets, sidewalks, and public use. This area includes the parkway between sidewalks and curbs, with the exact distance varying by street.

Use the SpringsView mapping application to determine property lines between the city and private property. Locate your address, choose the Aerial view, and identify city trees outside the red private property lines.

**Neighbor's Tree Concerns:**

If you have concerns about your neighbor’s tree, please note that City Forestry cannot assist with private tree work. We recommend consulting a licensed arborist and engaging in open communication with your neighbors. For dispute resolution, contact the El Paso County Court’s Neighborhood Justice Center at (719) 520-6000.

**Reporting Storm-Related Tree Damage:**

During major storm events, knowing the approximate size and length of fallen limbs and their impact on access to buildings, sidewalks, or streets is valuable information for us. This helps our crews prioritize and manage storm events. Report these issues online for a swift response.

**Emergency Tree and Limb Removal:**

In the event a city tree or limb blocks a street, request a street tree inspection or contact City Forestry. For emergencies, call the Colorado Springs Police Department’s Dispatch at (719) 444-7000. Homeowners are expected to clear smaller limbs and debris during large storm events.

**Private Yard Waste Disposal:**

For personal yard waste disposal, including leaves and tree clippings, you can utilize Rocky Top Resources at 1755 E Las Vegas Street. Contact them at (719) 579-9103 for more information. Please note that City Forestry does not offer public dumping services.


**Infrastructure Damage or Accessibility Issues:**

If bushes or vegetation are obstructing a sidewalk, contact the homeowner or Code Enforcement to address the issue. For assistance with trees affecting street or sidewalk access, reach out to City Forestry or request a street tree inspection.


**Tree-Related Sewer Line or Sidewalk Heaving:**

If tree roots have impacted your sewer line, consider consulting a professional for repairs or replacement. Removing the tree may not solve the issue, and City Forestry typically does not remove city trees for sewer problems. For sidewalk heaving, submit a sidewalk damage report or contact Public Works at (719) 385-5411 for solutions.

**Tree Injury or Disease:**

If animals are damaging your tree or it appears unhealthy, explore our Common Tree Issues page for information on tree health. For unidentified problems or multiple trees showing symptoms, consult a licensed professional or your county Extension Office. You can also use the Plant Facts Database for fact sheets and resources.


Call Gilbert's Tree & Landscape When in Doubt

We care about our community’s trees and your safety. By following these guidelines and reporting issues promptly, you help us maintain a greener and safer Colorado Springs. Thank you for your cooperation in preserving our city’s natural beauty. Call Gilbert’s Tree & Landscape today: (719) 683-3437

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